miércoles, enero 31, 2018

Diane Canfield - Energy Eclipse Update: Fatigue, Emotional Unbalance And Solar Wind Increasing - January 31, 2018

Energy Eclipse Update: Fatigue, Emotional Unbalance And Solar Wind Increasing

By Diane Canfield

Blessings Beloveds,

This morning’s Lunar Eclipse was VERY powerful and we are still feeling the upgrades. The effects will last into the next partial Solar Eclipse on February 15th. We are also in the middle of a timeline shift as I talked about in my article yesterday.

I stayed up until 4:30 am ( the eclipse being at 5:51 am) but could not stay awake any longer. I wanted to but couldn’t. I have always watched every eclipse in the past. We know they are powerful transformers of energy. Our Moon was so bright and big, it was a wonder to behold.

Lena Stevens y Patricia Lilies - Actualización Luna Llena 31 Enero 2018 - Enero 29, 2018

Actualización Luna Llena 31 Enero 2018
por Lena Stevens y Patricia Lilies
29 de Enero 2018

Traducción: Fara Gonzalez
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Queridos Amigos,

Nuestra segunda luna llena del mes es una “Luna Azul”, una Súper Luna y un eclipse lunar total.

Esta asombrosa luna llena es el miércoles, 31 de enero a las 6:27 am horario estándar de las montañas

El eclipse será más visible en Hawai, aunque la costa oeste de los Estados Unidos podrá ver una pequeña parte del mismo.

Hay fuego y determinación en esta poderosa luna. Es mejor hacer algo activo físicamente y centrado durante este tiempo. Utilicen su acción para representar sus deseos e intenciones. Aléjense de las personas tóxicas, de las discusiones acaloradas que no resuelven nada y de sus propias preocupaciones y obsesiones sin sentido.

Aisha North - The Moon speaks - January 31, 2018

The Moon speaks

Hush, whispers the darkened Moon.

Can you hear the sound

of the incoming tide?

Time to loosen your moorings, dear ones.

Get ready to be lifted

to new and dizzying heights.

Posted on January 31, 2018 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

Lisa Renee - Whistleblowers and Compartmentalization

Whistleblowers and Compartmentalization

Recently, there is a pattern of witnessing more people that have been entrenched deeply within the various covert factions that underpin the basis for the Controller Pillars of Society, as they are coming forward as Whistleblowers. We have entered a time ripe for disclosure, and the next five years will flush more Whistleblowers out to the surface to tell their stories. Many of these people have firsthand experience working within the massively funded secret areas that involve nefarious genetic experiments and in some cases, well-meaning covert projects of the government and military, where they were subjected to extreme forms of psychological and emotional warfare. Like all of us in the civilian world, the military and government people also endure intense levels of trauma based mind control and generally are threatened in order to keep them compliant, subdued and quiet.

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - Who You Are - 2018 - January 14, 2018 at Longmont, Colorado

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Again my partner steps aside and what follows is new information. The message is going to be combined with information I've been giving you for more than two decades, but there is now a completion of the next phase of knowledge.

The year 2018 in Tibetan numerology is a master number. It adds up to eleven, and the meaning of this number is illumination. So it's like an invitation to allow this year to be the one where the light is turned on in so many minds about what is truly happening for the planet. Today, I give you very esoteric but profound information that speaks about you and who you are. It speaks of a new paradigm of Human Being.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 31, 2018

Surrender and acceptance allow you to both untether yourself from what is holding you back and stay open to receiving what supports you and best matches who you are. They work together beautifully to keep you out of resistance and in flow, which is the fastest way to move forward with the greatest amount of help and comfort possible.

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - Pleiadian/Inner Earth Message 2018 - Jan 31, 2018

Pleiadian/Inner Earth Message 2018

New One Earth Starborn Mission 

Energy portal structures of the frequency of the One New Earth

We, the Pleiadian Inner Earth, are a team of a light consciousness field that wishes to establish peace and harmony with life and the interdimensions. We care for life, we care for you and love you. You are a part of us; we are kindred Light Earth Star Family.

Our message is of the One New Earth: many of you are familiar with the unity consciousness field, your extended aspects through higher self, lineages’ multidimensional expression of the angelic, nature, dolphins, fairy, dragon realms, extraterrestrial Intelligence, galactic and groups of which you are a part and co-creating this time/space of the One New Earth of peace and ascension.

Jahn J Kassl - Master St. Germain - THE ROBE - Jan 29, 2018

Message from Master St. Germain

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl

English edition by crystalflow translations


Right before me, on my bed, a new robe is laid out for me. It is incredibly beautiful, dignified and kingly. A pair of pants, a royal blue jacket enwrought with silver and golden threads, and a matching long scarf. I think to myself: I am not one to wear scarfs, but this one I will wear. (I wake up.)

martes, enero 30, 2018

Diane Canfield - Time Line Shift: Major Energy Causing Timeline Shifts | Ascension Symptoms - January 30, 2018

Time Line Shift: Major Energy Causing Timeline Shifts | Ascension Symptoms

By Diane Canfield 

Beloved Tribe,


What is a time line shift? It is any time shift having to do with matrix glitches in time. It can and does include missing time, time running too fast or too slow, people repeating the same activity or discussion that was already seen or heard by others and overall glitches in the matrix. It can include jumping to new timeline or looping timelines. It also can happen when we jump into a new reality by upgrading our consciousness. There are many ways time shifts can happen and no limits to what is possible. These can and do increase in times of HIGH Energy.

Lauren C. Gorgo - 2018: the mastery of life force - Jan 29, 2018

2018: the mastery of life force
So here we are. Another year, another turn around the ascension…or karmic…wheel, depending on where you are in your depolarization process. For those who have been at this for a minute or many (lifetimes) 2018 holds the extraordinary potential (activation codes) to birth the embodiment of our inner masculine-feminine union.

As we find this necessary m-f balance within, so too will we will learn to master life in union with The Force of life itSelf.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 30, 2018

Dear Ones, do you believe you can have it all? Do you believe all your dreams are available to you? Or do you believe you can have only have a limited amount of success in the creation of your desires? Do you think it is greedy, unattainable, or will result in bad things happening to you if you have it all?

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Martes, Enero 30, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros 

Martes, Enero 30, 2018

Nosotros esperaríamos

un milagro.

Nosotros lo esperaríamos.

Tienes derecho a tener


Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

We would expect a miracle.

We would expect it.

You are entitled to changes.

Big changes actually.

As you expect them.

Ute Posegga-Rude - UPDATE: KEEP UP HIGH YOUR FREQUENCY AND LIGHT! - January 30, 2018


VIDEO (recommended)

Beloved Friends,

in the last few months I have been going through great challenges, here where my new home is. And it is still not over but improving. I got also finally a better internet connection even if quite expensive.

Not only ordinary daily life, including basic technical requirements, takes a lot of effort and endless time in this region to make things work, because nothing is well organized and most people are poor.





Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Archeia Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss being gentle with yourself.

Being gentle with yourself in the new energy is very important. You are continuing to ascend to higher and higher levels. With each rise in level, the energy is more rarified and vibrates at a higher rate.

Sarah Varcas - La Vida Bajo Un Eclipse Lunar: Nada Es Lo Que Parece….- 29 Enero 2018

Traducción: Fara Gonzalez
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

El próximo eclipse lunar será el 31 de enero del 2018 en el grado 18 de Leo. Se puede encontrar información específica respecto a este eclipse a continuación.

Un eclipse lunar ocurre cuando la luna está llena y su luz se ve bloqueada por la sombra de la tierra. Una luna llena es tradicionalmente un momento de cosecha y fruición, pero cuando está eclipsada, proclama en su lugar, frutos escondidos y resultados oscurecidos. Nada es lo que parece. Si pensamos que hemos fallado, piensen de nuevo – no todo está perdido. Si

lunes, enero 29, 2018

Sheldan Nidle - Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy - Much is happening - Jan 29, 2018

Selamat Jalwa! Be Righteous. Much is happening. This new year begins with many cabal attempts to derail your promised prosperity by fabricating a war. Today we will discuss the nature of our blueprint to defeat the dark cabal. Our multi-layered strategies have garnered many successes and confused the cabal. They are desperate and each move they make only further tightens the noose around their necks. Our plan has forced the cabal to give up many of the positions it held at the end of last year. It has also caused the loss of many of their members to yet-unannounced arrests. This scheme places us at the very brink of success for global prosperity. It was designed by us, together with many of the ascended masters, including St. Germain, and our Earth Allies. Our goal is to institute the new republic for the United States, and the beginnings of GESARA worldwide, in a safe and efficient manner.

Alcyon Pléyades 67: Desclasificación Programas SSP, Milab, Solar Warden, bases subterráneas

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Lunes, Enero 29, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros

Lunes, Enero 29, 2018

Cuando te des cuenta

que ya han

hablado por ti

te relajarás

y te pondrás a trabajar.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Monday, January 29, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Monday, January 29, 2018

When you realize that you are already spoken for

you will relax

and get to work.

You will breathe a sigh of relief

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers – January 29, 2018

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, LightWeavers and co-Creators of the New Earth!

We are pleased to have this chance to speak with you today.

We have been asked by several of you about Earth’s Ascension, and the changes the Earth is experiencing at this time.

Brenda Hoffman - Soaring Between Heaven and Earth - January 29, 2018

Dear Ones,

It is as if nothing matters now and yet, everything does for that which you were comfortable with is no more and that which you postponed as long as possible, is.

You have been in a void of dread, fear, and nothingness for the past few days. Perhaps it will help you understand your inner workings if you remember when you decided what or who you were going to be once you left the warmth of your earth home of origin. A time of elation because you were free of parental restrictions, but also a time of fear for you knew you had to decide who you were.

Pequeño Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje de Solara para Enero 2018 ~ PATINAR SOBRE HIELO EN UN LIENZO EN BLANCO ~ Enero 28, 2018

Enero comenzó con una fuerte Luna Llena y termina con otra potente Luna Llena que también es una Luna Azul. Estas Lunas Llenas sirven como marco para todo el mes y aportan una poderosa energía de cambio. Forman Portales energéticos a ambos lados del mes, a través del cual debemos pasar con apertura, honestidad y Veracidad. Y al otro extremo de estos portales, comienza el Verdadero Año 2018...

A SMALL FRAGMENT OF SOLARA'S JANUARY 2018 SURF REPORT ~ Ice Skating on a Blank Canvas - Jan 27, 2018


January started with a strong Full Moon and ends with another potent Full Moon which is also a Blue Moon. These Full Moons serve as bookends for the entire month and bring powerful energy of change. They form energetic Portals on both sides of the month through which we must pass with openness, honesty and Trueness. And on the far side of these portals, the True Year of 2018 begins....

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday January 29, 2018

There are two predominant energies enlightening human beings are often reluctant to acknowledge within themselves or express – grief and anger. They feel the emotions are not spiritual enough, are not valid because they are not in line with their highest selves, or do not wish to add what they consider to be a negative emotion to the collective. Dear Ones, we urge you to take the time to lovingly create a space to fully and safely feel any unresolved emotions you may have.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (45) - Bradenton, Florida, enero de 2018

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (45)
en Bradenton, Florida, enero de 2018

Saludos, queridas Hermanas de las Estrellas, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio se aleja. Muchas de ustedes están conscientes, en este breve mensaje, que este es el primer mensaje de 2018 para la Hermandad Femenina. Y podrían decir "¿Qué puede ser distinto esta vez?" Porque muchas veces tienen un punto de demarcación al cambiar el calendario para ustedes, y el primero de cada año ustedes dirían que es nuevo, diferente, es lo que sigue. Y tendrían razón.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - You would not have the desire without the means to fulfill it - January 28, 2018

You would not have the desire without the means to fulfill it.

Dear One,

All things in life are a part of the Universal Consciousness. This includes the desires of your heart. You have within you all that it takes to fulfill these desires and create the life you want to have. Know that each time you feel a deep longing, the seed of fulfillment is inherent within it.

Brenda Hoffman - Su Vacío Personal - 22 de Enero 2018


Traducción: Fara Gonzalez
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora 


Muchos de ustedes se sienten como si todo estuviese perdido y nunca más pudiesen disfrutar de alegría. No se preocupen. Este es el período de vacío durante el cual aprenden a manejar sus nuevos sistemas.

Quizás sus seres queridos todavía no entiendan los poderes de ustedes – o sus propios poderes. Así que los culparán a ustedes y a los demás por sus propias circunstancias. Aunque saben que todo estará bien, ellos no pueden captar ese concepto o creer en las posibilidades.

Lena Stevens - Pat Liles - Full Moon Update 1-31-18 - Jan 29, 2018

Dear Friends,

Our second full moon of the month is a “Blue Moon”, a Super Moon and a total Lunar Eclipse.

This amazing full moon is on Wednesday, January 31 at 6:27 AM Mountain Standard Time (MST).

The eclipse will be most visible in Hawaii however the west coast of the US may be able to see a bit of it.

There is fire and determination in this powerful moon. It is best to do something physically active and moving centered during this time. Use your action to represent your desires and intentions. Stay away from toxic people, arguments, heated discussions that don’t go anywhere, and your own fruitless worries and obsessions.

Jennifer Hoffman - Arcángel Uriel - Responsabilidad, compromiso y soberanía energética - 24 de Enero 2019

Traducción: Rosa GarcíaDifusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahorahttp://www.manantialcaduceo.com.ar/libros.htm

Este es un mensaje canalizado del Arcángel Uriel.

La soberanía energética es un principio de maestría que conlleva responsabilidad. Responsabilidad no significa tener que asumir cargas pesadas de karma o de sanación, ni de lo que está bien o lo que está mal. Consiste en elegir cómo vas a responder ante una situación y cómo vas a comprometerte con otros. ¿Qué significa para ti responsabilizarte de algo? ¿Significa tener control sobre el resultado final, que debes responder por él y demostrar que eres alguien en quien se puede confiar?

Sarah Varcas - Life Under A Lunar Eclipse: Nothing Is Quite As It Seems..- Jan 29, 2018

Life Under A Lunar Eclipse: Nothing Is Quite As It Seems..

The next lunar eclipse will be on 31st January 2018 UT in the 12th degree of Leo. Specific information about this eclipse can be found below.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is full and its light is blocked by the earth’s shadow. A full moon is traditionally a time of fruition and harvest, but when eclipsed it heralds, instead, hidden fruits and obscured results. Nothing is quite as it seems. If we think we’ve failed, think again – all is not lost.

domingo, enero 28, 2018

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Reality is a Perspective - 1-28-17

Reality is a Perspective

When I sat down to write my blog today, the Arcturians guided me to this section of my website. Therefore, I am putting it on the Blog today.

The process of my awakening took many years. Part of the reason for the long journey is that the process started in 1974 when the resonant frequency of the planet was much lower. Now, as the entire planet is preparing for a conscious ascension into the fourth and fifth dimension, there is less vibrational and social resistance.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - La Enseñanza - Bradenton, Florida, 21 de enero de 2018

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Bradenton, Florida, 21 de enero de 2018

La Enseñanza

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

El salón está lleno con aquellos que conozco. A los que escuchan más tarde, los conozco. Esto se debe a que todos ustedes son parte de la familia más grande. Una familia que les está oculta cuando están aquí. Y quiero hablar sobre algo, un tema que hemos abordado antes, pero no necesariamente de esta manera.

Mike Quinsey - Su Ser Superior - 26 de Enero, 2018

Parece evidente que la batalla de los Oscuros para retener algún tipo de poder sobre la Tierra alcanzó nuevos niveles cuando intentaron destruir Hawaii y Japón. Pero sus dispositivos nucleares fueron intervenidos para que no funcionasen, de acuerdo con órdenes de las Fuerzas de la Luz que controlan los acontecimientos dentro y fuera de la Tierra. Ciertamente, grandes cantidades de gente que han estado trabajando en contra de los de la Tierra han sido arrestados y situados donde ya no puedan causar problemas. Es una operación de barrido que luego hará que los Oscuros sean incapaces de interferir en los cambios que han situado a la Tierra en un camino de Luz hacia la libertad y la abundancia. Hay mucho preparado para ponerse en marcha cuando se den las órdenes, e incluso ahora las actividades de los Oscuros están siendo recortadas para disminuir su capacidad de causar retrasos.

L’Aura Pleiadian - Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, January 31st, 2018 in Leo ~ Living As Divine Light - Jan 28, 2018

A clearing out of emotions, a rebirth, an expanded awareness of both the mental thought patterns that lead to emotional sensitivity and belief systems, that once cleared, restructure your consciousness.

Your consciousness as Divine Light. Entering into the 5th Dimensional aspect of consciousness from 4th dimensional awareness. Is entering the Divine state of unconditional love. Of being your Divine Light.

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Domingo, Enero 28, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros

Domingo, Enero 28, 2018

Se te está pidiendo que sueltes los frenos.

Estás deslizándote a segunda base y avanzando bien.

Qué tal si te dijéramos que hay una versión alterna

en la cual podrías estar haciendo una carrera (home run).

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Sunday, January 28, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters 

Sunday, January 28, 2018

You are being asked to release the breaks.

You are sliding into second base and making good progress.

What if we told you there was an alternate version

where you could be making a home run.

Natalia Alba - The Energies of February 2018 ~ Retrieving Sovereignty: Soul & Body Integration

Beloves Ones,

We are already immersed within a very intense, and Fiery, passage, for we are beginning to integrate the new transformational waves, coming from the frequencies Eclipses, and hence the focus on soul and body integration shall be one of our first aims. Remember that it is only in the physical that we have the opportunity to work with our bodies and be able to ascend, by descending new level of consciousness.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday January 28, 2018

Why not go on a quest for beauty today? Why not, with your focus and intention, choose to see the many ways beauty can show up in your life?

It may be in the intricate natural beauty of nature, or in the loving touch of a mother comforting a child. It may be an act of kindness or generosity, or simply taking a moment to give thanks for the abundance that abounds in your own life. It may be in moving into an alignment that allows you to feel your own beauty as a divine and beloved aspect of Source energy. It may be appreciating the arts, or a unique combination of words or ideas, that activate certain emotions and feelings within you.

Brenda Hoffman - El Todo USTEDES - 15 de Enero 2018

Traducción: Fara Gonzalez

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora



Su profunda incomodidad de los últimos días es el resultado del ajuste a su nuevo ustedes de 5D. Aunque tal ajuste pareciese relativamente fácil dado que tanto ustedes como la tierra son de 5D, ustedes han regresado a la 3D para resolver problemas y algunas otras cosas. Desde hace pocos días ya no pueden regresar más a la 3D.

Así que se sienten como si el peso del mundo estuviese sobre sus hombros. Porque hasta que acepten su estatus de 5D a todo lo largo de su ser, no tienen las habilidades para combatir el temor y la angustia.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - 1/28/18

JANUARY 28, 2018

Dear ones, we come to you in love and with a clear understanding of the difficulties facing so many in these times of upheaval and change. Be not afraid, for everything is proceeding according to plan. The intense frequencies of Light pouring onto earth at this time are serving to expose and bring into universal awareness the many obsolete and false beliefs still comfortably residing in third dimensional consciousness.

Diane Canfield - Supermoon Blue Blood Eclipse Event - Jan 28, 2018

Eclipse Portal: What To Expect/How To Make The Most Of DNA Changes That Occur | Diane Canfield

By Diane Canfield

Beloved Tribe,

Supermoon Blue Blood Eclipse Event :

The SuperMoon Blue Blood Eclipse is coming into our physicality and consciousness January 31st at 5:51 Am. As this epic Event approaches we need to be prepared as the energies the last few weeks have already been intense and showed us so much about ourselves. 

sábado, enero 27, 2018

Kryon por Lee Carroll - La Biblioteca - Bradenton, Florida, 20 de enero de 2018

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Bradenton, Florida, 20 de enero de 2018

La Biblioteca

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon de Servicio Magnético.

Hemos dado muchos mensajes a lo largo de los años. Cada vez que comienza, cada vez que mi socio se sienta en la silla, él no sabe qué vendrá. Suelen presentársele emociones, y esas emociones provienen del otro lado del velo y suelen corresponder al tipo de mensaje que se dará. Si va a ser algo científico, habrá cierto tipo de emoción; si será informativo, otro tipo de emoción; pero cuando se va a tratar del amor del otro lado del velo por ustedes, él lo sabe. Y eso es lo que este trae.

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Sabado, Enero 27, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros 

Sabado, Enero 27, 2018

Cuando te des cuenta

que eres suficiente

te relajarás.

No tratarás de estar en un lugar

en el cual no estás.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters -- Saturday, January 27, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Saturday, January 27, 2018

When you realize

that you are enough

you will relax.

You will not try to be somewhere

you are not.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Introducción a: La Biblioteca - Bradenton, Florida, 20 de enero de 2018

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Bradenton, Florida, 20 de enero de 2018

Sábado (mañana)

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio se hace a un lado, como siempre, y permite que entre una energía a la que ahora está muy acostumbrado, sin saber qué dirá esa energía, pero está seguro de que es pura, exacta, verdadera, amorosa, compasiva, benévola y parte de un sistema mayor que está parcialmente oculto para los humanos que escuchan.

Y la parte parcialmente oculta siempre ha sido en el pasado la parte del miedo. Cualquier cosa que esté oculta debe ser mala, de acuerdo a la vieja naturaleza humana. ¿Por qué ocultarla si no era problema? decían. Y los seres humanos que lo sienten así se lo han perdido completamente. ¿Por qué en esta cultura ustedes envuelven regalos y los ponen debajo de un árbol para los niños? ¿Acaso los abrirán y encontrarán una serpiente? Ustedes tienen algo para ellos, que ellos no conocen, y en el momento correcto se lo presentarán. Y hasta entonces, está oculto - y esto es muy parecido, queridos.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday January 27, 2018

A miracle is a divine intervention that you simply could not imagine being possible that transforms a situation. Miracles can occur at any time – they are far more available to you than you think. There is a belief that miracles are rare, but they can and will occur whenever you are fully willing to surrender into their potential and accept the loving support of the universe.

viernes, enero 26, 2018

James Tyberonn - Astro-Eventos - Fases Lunares, Eclipses, Planetas Retrógrados - 2018

Fases Lunares, Eclipses, Planetas Retrógrados - 2018
Fases Lunares en 2018
Hora del Meridiano de Greenwich - La lista siguiente da la fecha y hora de las fases lunares del año. Si está en vigor el Horario de Verano, agregar una hora a los horarios listados en la planilla siguiente.
31 de enero: Eclipse lunar total
La fase total de este eclipse lunar, también llamada a veces informalmente Luna Azul, será visible en gran parte de Estados Unidos, noreste de Europa, Rusia, Asia, Océano Índico, el Pacífico y Australia.
31 de enero: "Super" Luna Azul
La segunda Luna Llena de enero no solo será eclipsada, sino que es también una Super Luna y una Luna Azul. Esta es la primera de dos Lunas Azules en 2018, y la 3ra. de 3 "Super Lunas" consecutivas.

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - You ARE your Fifth Dimensional SELF - 1-26-17


By the Arcturians, through Suzanne Lie

We the Arcturians wish to introduce you to your fifth dimensional SELF so that we can better show you your/our Starship. We say “your/our” because different groups will live on, and work from, different types of Starship.

You will need to allow yourself to deeply connect with your fifth dimensional expression who resides within the core of your spine, as well as within the higher frequencies of your Multidimensional Mind and your High Heart.

The degree of interaction that you have with your fifth dimensional SELF is dependent on the clarity of your Multidimensional Mind and the unconditional love of your High Heart.

Your Multidimensional Mind was designed to create inter-dimensional synapses once your consciousness expanded into the fifth dimension. Therefore, we advise that you keep your Heart and Mind open to the fifth dimensional frequencies of Unconditional Love within your High Heart area and the Multidimensional Thinking within your Multidimensional Mind.

Your Fifth Dimensional SELF intermingles your High Heart, as well as with your Multidimensional Mind, in the same manner that you may intermingle the l fingers of your third dimensional hand. Therefore, within this NOW, we ask that you focus on whatever idea your High Heart and Multidimensional Mind have created within your fifth dimensional SELF.

Therefore, we would like to assist you to “have your fifth dimensional SELF introduce you to your third dimensional self.” Some of you would prefer to believe that your third dimensional self has finally made contact with your 5D SELF, which is a positive thought to maintain in your mind.

As you hold this thought in your mind, feel how your body feels different. You may, also, feel a growing heat within your spinal column and a sense of “something” impending within you mind.

You are correct in that assumption because once you consciously put your attention on even just the concept of your Lightbody SELF, there is a portion of your “High Heart,” that innately and automatically moves into your “Whole Brain Thinking.”

It is in this manner that you will know when you are in “living connection” your Multidimensional Thinking and your Unconditional Love. Once your thinking is multidimensional, you become quickly bored with the mundane thoughts of daily life and begin to “day dream” of another reality which resonates to a higher frequency of reality.

You may become “homesick” for a place that you cannot even remember. However, your body has not forgotten. Your heart can feel a higher dimensional frequency of love and your mind feels like a bird that has just taken off into the sky for a long flight to a new place.

Please remember to send Unconditional Love to any component of your thoughts or emotions who are doubting this experience. You are, of course, quite familiar with your “inner skeptic.” This Inner Skeptic is a version of you that has learned to “act like a 3D human” so that others are not threatened by your fifth dimensional SELF.

You may begin to awakened in the middle of the night filled with an angst, a sense of missing someone or something. Of course, your dreams have taken you to a higher dimensional situation. But, “OH NO,” is that an alarm clock, a child crying or even a mate awakening you to begin your third dimensional day.

You may even awaken with a sense of “Synchronistic Missions.” Synchronistic Missions have a strong FEEL of Unconditional Love because only Unconditional Love can create a deep enough merging to be assigned to, or choose to, have Synchronistic Missions.

These Synchronistic Missions, which, are very important for Planetary Ascension, and are a major “Key to Ascension” in that they assist you to remember your INNATE ability to feel the opening of your Fifth Dimensional Portal to your own Fifth Dimensional SELF.

Once you can “consciously” feel, see, hear, or sense the open portal, you can choose to consciously experience it. We say “choose” because all of our Ascending Ones are increasingly perceiving, opening, and feeling a “CALL to Duty” flowing into their Heart and Mind from their fifth dimensional SELF.

Of course that conscious experience is usually quickly forgotten, as the physical world will quickly “grab your attention.” Fortunately, many of our brave “Ascension Pioneers” are sharing their experiences with others who are like-minded and of similar states of daily consciousness.

Through sharing your own experiences with others, you will see that everyone’s inter-dimensional are just as unique to them as their third dimensional experiences. On the other hand, there are many who are “like minded,” but they do not share the same frequency rate of consciousness.

Therefore, it can be difficult to create a “Synchronistic Mission” because your view of reality is quite different if one is just third/fourth dimensional and the other is fully multidimensional. Multidimensional in this context means that one is able to consciously be aware that an “incoming message” is from the Here and NOW of the fifth dimension.

Initially, those that share their inter-dimensional experiences a form of “bond” which may feel like there is a “deep link” between them. It is only via their higher frequency perspective that they will be able to understand the deep link that has been formed.

These links are very powerful, whether it is only with two people or with many people. Fortunately, if at least on of the couple, or the group, opens their Mind to the NOW of the fifth dimensional portal, it will assist all the others to also activate their fifth dimensional perception.

Fifth dimensional perception is not like third dimensional perceptions in which every one and everything is separated by time or space. With fifth dimensional perception, one is able to “feel” a connection, even if they cannot see or hear it.

Those who recognize this link can greatly assist each other by merging their higher states of consciousness so that they can transmute their perceptions to the fifth dimension and beyond.

Then the merging ones may be able to “leave 3D/4D time” and flow through every embodiment they have ever taken in all of their of their incarnation. This journey through the physical and astral planes greatly assists them to deeply bond with whomever they are sharing this merging.

Through this merging of consciousness, they will find that they are able to identify an incarnation in which the two of them, OR the group, have served Gaia together. This realization, will take them all into that shared incarnation to review, complete and learn from that group merging.

If your group experience has left any fear, anger, sorrow or imbalance that needs to cleared from Gaia’s Aura, it will become obvious. Then the group, or couple, we work as ONE to clear Gaia’s aura. Of course, when one consciously chooses to “clear Gaia’s aura,” they will also clear their own.

Many “old friends,” or “new friends” are meeting now in unusual and unexpected ways. Their physical and astral self may not recognize each other yet, their fifth energy field of the NOW and the ONE instantly remembers the source their group’s or friends inter-dimensional experiences.

The higher dimensional expressions of these 3D “chance encounters” have actually decided together, within their own 5D Selves, to find a way to “jolt” their third dimensional expressions of consciousness into allowing the flow of Unconditional Love to come into their awareness.

As soon as a physical, Ascending One consciously registers this gift of Unconditional Love, they will have a few seconds in which their limited 3D brain/consciousness is transmuted into fifth dimensional consciousness via the Flow of Unconditional Love.

Within that Flow of Unconditional Love, which is unseen, but deeply felt, their High Heart opens widely to blend more deeply with their Multidimensional Mind.

As their High Heart merges with their Multidimensional Mind, there is an activation of fifth dimensional consciousness, which usually flashes through them—beyond time—and into the fifth dimensional “NOW.” Within this split second, they can consciously perceive their own fifth dimensional expression of SELF.

It is common for the Ascending Ones to brush off, miss, or misperceive this blending of their third dimensional time with their inter-dimensional NOW. However, this inter-dimensional experience, whether it is conscious or unconscious, creates the merging their third dimensional self with their Multidimensional SELF.

It is for this reason that we ask you ALL to share YOUR moments of the NOW of Ascension with a friend so that there is a strong enough reaction to this fifth dimensional “stimuli” that you can consciously EXPERIENCE and FEEL your OWN fifth dimensional Lightbody SELF from your own perspective, as well as from a perspective of another who can understand what is occurring.

You are all moving into higher and higher frequencies of consciousness AND reality. As this process progresses and grows to engage more and more humans, who are more and more remembering their own fifth dimensional self humanity’s PERCEPTION OF REALITY WILL BEGIN TO EXPAND.

As you perception of realty begins to and continues to expand, you will be able to consciously perceive higher and higher dimensional versions of reality, as well as those who inhabit those higher realities.

You may even be surprised to discover that some of these higher versions of reality are quite familiar, and many of the inhabitants of these realities are quite familiar. Many of them are your “childhood imaginary friends,” or the “hidden voice that got you through a difficult time,” or the “invisible one who comforts you when no one else could ever understand.”

In fact, you will also find that many of these higher versions of reality are quite familiar, and the ones who inhabit this reality seem to be sending you love and caring. You will also, eventually, find the YOU who is resonating to the fifth dimensional octave of your multidimensional self.

This “YOU” does not have a 3D job, but you DO have a Mission, which is the reason why you took this third dimensional vessel. This Mission will NOT be a mission for your personal benefit or enhancement, as that would be third dimensional thinking.

Your higher dimensional self, is your Multidimensional SELF, who is NOT bound by third dimensional temptation, sorrows and hard work. However, within your third dimensional self who faces temptations, sorrows and hard work everyday, is VERY brave for “splitting off” from the collective of your Multidimensional SELF to take on the comparatively low frequency third dimensional self.

Therefore, we remind you that your fifth dimensional, and higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF, and NOT better than you. YOU are the courageous ones who left behind our higher frequency expressions of SELF in your higher dimensional Ship or Homeworld, to wear a simple, fragile, third dimensional earth vessel.

And, why did you come to Gaia’s greatly wounded planet? You volunteered to take you current earth vessel so that YOU can assist—not with personal ascension, as you are already ascended—but to assist with Planetary Ascension.

You can remember lives and realities in which you, too, damaged Gaia for your own personal gain. You can also remember incarnations in which you tried, and failed, to protect dear Gaia from the great harm that humanity has done to her.

One may say, “Oh it wasn’t us. It was the weather.” However, the native peoples have always known of the great power that humanity has to effect the weather. Every thought and every emotions leaves the consciousness of the beings who dwell on Gaia to influence the reality of that NOW.

Therefore, what we, the Arcturians, ask you, each human, NOW is:

What do want to do for Gaia?

What are you doing for Gaia NOW?

What have you done for Gaia in your PAST?

We the Arcturians, want to share with Gaia’s healers and protectors that:




Dear Humans, if you wish to assist Gaia, please do so.

You cannot assist too much or too little.

Gaia need you, the members of humanity

And you, the members of humanity

Need Gaia!

Sandra Walter - The Eclipse Transformations: Timelines, the Logos, Change and the Heart - Jan 26, 2018

The Eclipse Transformations: Timelines, the Logos, Change and the Heart

Jan 26, 2018

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

We continue to receive this strong Light code bombardment flowing through the cosmic stargate floodgates. The current influxes are harmonic-based, although they appear as vibrant light in our fields and visions. These incoming frequencies are delivered via plasma pulses, which is the flashing activity we see when we meditate or connect with the SUN. The frequencies are activating crystalline templates in the New Earth Grid system, and Gaia responds by releasing corresponding fire letters, geometries and light codes.

Brenda Hoffman - El Todo USTEDES - 15 de Enero 2018

Traducción: Fara Gonzalez
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora 


Su profunda incomodidad de los últimos días es el resultado del ajuste a su nuevo ustedes de 5D. Aunque tal ajuste pareciese relativamente fácil dado que tanto ustedes como la tierra son de 5D, ustedes han regresado a la 3D para resolver problemas y algunas otras cosas. Desde hace pocos días ya no pueden regresar más a la 3D.

Así que se sienten como si el peso del mundo estuviese sobre sus hombros. Porque hasta que acepten su estatus de 5D a todo lo largo de su ser, no tienen las habilidades para combatir el temor y la angustia.