Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Ascensión. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Ascensión. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, abril 17, 2024

Aurora Ray - Ready for Change? Steps to Align with Cosmic Energies in This Ascension Era! - Apr 17, 2024

Ready for Change? Steps to Align with Cosmic Energies in This Ascension Era!

As we traverse this extraordinary era of ascension, there are steps we can take to align with the unfolding cosmic energies and prepare ourselves for the quantum leap in consciousness.

Though unseen forces are guiding the process, we each have a role to play in this grand transformation.

Ailia Mira - Life in the New, Higher Frequencies - April 16, 2024

An ascension update about the ongoing astrological transits and INCOMING ENERGIES; the challenges being presented; and how to work with them to uplevel everything, now.

Heyyyy, Amazing Ones — It’s day 482 of these intense Aries and Eclipse Energies. Just kidding. But not. Just. Wow.

Staying present with ourselves, while pacing according to our needs for rest, movement, regular life demands and doing energy and light work to as needed (to connect with our Divine Self and expand our grounding; clear what’s dissolving; call in more light to empower our clarity and the best possible mood as well as embody more of All That We Are)… it’s A LOT. And still? Amazing breakthroughs are happening.

lunes, abril 15, 2024

Aurora Ray - Humanity's Ascension: Happening Now, Guided by Light and ET Intervention! - Apr 15, 2024

Humanity's Ascension: Happening Now, Guided by Light and ET Intervention!

As Earth undergoes a remarkable transition, benevolent beings from higher realms are working behind the scenes to ensure humanity's spiritual evolution unfolds smoothly.

Known as the Galactic Federation, the Ascended Masters, and the Angelic realm, these light forces have our highest good in mind.

sábado, abril 13, 2024

Vidya Frazier - Something has Shifted – Can You Feel it? - Apr 13, 2024

It’s very subtle. But if you stop a moment and tune in, you can maybe feel it. You can realize that since the Eclipse, something in reality has shifted. Something new has emerged.

And it’s not just that none of the disasters certain sources were predicting didn’t happen on April 8 (or at least not yet or in ways we can see). It’s something more.

viernes, abril 12, 2024

Natalia Alba - Emerald Awakening - Apr 12, 2024

Beloved Ones,

During this eighth universal year of monadic return, we are witnessing the massive galactic awakening occurring in many ascending souls whose time to assist has come. During this month, we are going to continue seeing the evidence of the shift that is taking place within, and in our planetary grids and earth's roots, for everything is aligning to assist us in the planetary transfiguration required for us to embody our crystalline essence.

miércoles, abril 10, 2024

Aurora Ray - It is Real: The Collective Ascension in Action! - Apr 10, 2024

It is Real: The Collective Ascension in Action!

Humanity stands at the precipice of a new age. As we look out upon the horizon, we can feel it in our bones - change is coming!

The old ways no longer serve us, and the structures that once provided stability now hold us back.

domingo, abril 07, 2024

Natalia Alba - The eclipses are transformational passages - Apr 7, 2024

Beloved Ones,

The eclipses are transformational passages helping both our planetary transition and all the ascending souls working on retrieving their soul memories and clearing all that is no longer meant to be part of who they have become. As we move through this time of silence with the eclipses, many of you are already preparing for the next gateway in May, a Pleiadian-Aldebaran portal that will help many to start descending their planetary mission.

viernes, abril 05, 2024

Aurora Ray - Golden Age Approaches: Activating DNA for Collective Evolution! - Apr 5, 2024

Golden Age Approaches: Activating DNA for Collective Evolution!

For millennia, humanity has gazed up at the night sky and pondered our place in the cosmos. Are we alone? Where did we come from? What is our destiny?

The discovery of the genetic code in 1953 marked a major milestone in the quest to answer these profound questions. An elegantly simple set of biochemical instructions written in a four-letter code, DNA contains the blueprint of life.

The Exciting New Era: Big Changes Happening Now!

jueves, abril 04, 2024

Natalia Alba - Solar Eclipse in Aries - Planetary Awakening, Soul Integration & Galactic Retrieval - Apr 4, 2024

Beloved Ones,

There is a massive awakening taking place at this time on our planet. The Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees Aries, is the catalyst for the soul awakening occurring in the collective, for many Monadic groups are awakening, and stepping into this ascension journey, as each soul monadic-extensions has a time to become conscious of their mission.

An eclipse that is aligned to the North Node of the Moon, on the opposite of the previous Libra one, in which we were invited to heal our past. Now, we continue purifying and empowering ourselves, while we look forward, into the future, as many souls are already experiencing with their awakening, retrieval of their galactic lineage, and mission embodiment.

domingo, marzo 31, 2024

Aurora Ray - The Twilight of Kali Yuga: Countdown to the Satya Yuga - A Golden Age! - Mar 31, 2024

The Twilight of Kali Yuga: Countdown to the Satya Yuga - A Golden Age!

According to ancient Hindu cosmology, we are currently in the Kali Yuga age, which is known as the age of darkness, conflict, and chaos.

Kali Yuga is the final cycle in a larger four-Yuga timeline that maps the evolution of consciousness on our planet.

miércoles, marzo 27, 2024

Jim Self - Hay un Juego Nuevo. ¿Quieres Jugar? - 20 de febrero de 2024

La Vida se Encamina en una Nueva Dirección

Considera cómo se ha jugado el “juego” de cierto modo, durante largo tiempo – presentando solo dos opciones, una que se estima buena y una mala. Pero, ¿qué tal si está disponible un tablero de juego totalmente nuevo, con nuevas reglas y nuevas maneras de jugar?

Aurora Ray - Ascending Together: Building a Brighter Future - Mar 27, 2024

Ascending Together: Building a Brighter Future

In life, we're all on a journey. It's a journey of growth, of change, of becoming the best versions of ourselves.

This journey is what we call ascension. But what exactly does ascension mean? And how can we journey through this together?

viernes, marzo 22, 2024

Aurora Ray - Cosmic Evolution Accelerates: Earth Receives Intense Cosmic Energy Surges from Galactic Center! - Mar 22, 2024

Cosmic Evolution Accelerates: Earth Receives Intense Cosmic Energy Surges from Galactic Center!

Earth and humanity are at a pivotal moment of evolution and ascension!

Powerful surges of cosmic energy from the Galactic Center are bombarding the Earth, catalyzing our evolution!

These influxes of light are flushing densities out of the quantum field around us and stimulating positive change on all levels.

miércoles, marzo 20, 2024

Aurora Ray - Cosmic Breakthrough: A New Galactic Portal Opens Path to Our Mass Ascension! - Mar 20, 2024

Cosmic Breakthrough: A New Galactic Portal Opens Path to Our Mass Ascension!

It's an amazing news: A new galactic portal is opening that is coded with special frequencies for those who are ready to shift their physical and non-physical body programs!

This portal utilizes trinitized frequencies to rehabilitate DNA and enable the necessary changes in our light bodies required to shift manipulations enacted on us.

martes, marzo 19, 2024

Judith Kusel - Ascension in truth... - Mar 19, 2024

Ascension in truth means that your infinite soul has and is descending into matter and in this process through spiritual alchemy, transforming and transfiguring matter into light, through and with the Power of Love.

Your soul thus brings into this earthly existence all it is, in truth and by living its truth, rafiating its Light it transforms everything in and around it through spiritual alchemy.

lunes, marzo 18, 2024

Natalia Alba - Ascension is the descension of our soul and monad in a physical body - Mar 18, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Ascension is the descension of our soul and monad in a physical body. When we consciously choose this evolutionary journey we agree to act as a trinity with our God Self and its Highest Will. Spiritual integrity, and hence coherence, are vital for us to be able to continue ascending, integrating higher levels of consciousness, and moving into a more illumined state of being.

Brink of the New Earth: Pleiadian Motherships Supercharge Ascension and Healing!